Kap Stanfield

Kap Stanfield has been an artist her entire life. Born in Northern Virginia, she’s always felt most at home with her paints and brushes. In the late 1980’s, she began making gifts of simple house key holders in the form of miniature houses. Over the years the houses and replicas have become increasingly grand and intricate. Kap and her husband retired to Palmyra in 2018, and since then she has been working on projects referred by neighbors and friends. She’s fallen in love with many of our historic buildings and landmarks and has crafted replicas of the Old Stone Jail and Maggie’s House along with a variety of other buildings. Her work can be found at the Sweet Art Emporium, 13652 James Madison Hwy, Palmyra Va. Pick up her business card to commission a piece.
Works by Kap Stanfield
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